Gnu the 2nd VS Kituu
- +++ Incoming message +++ To: Commander Farsight, Leader of The Farsight Enclaves From: Commander Kaisarion, Leader of the 21st Gue’vesa Battlesuit Squadron Date: 21. September, 2022 Location: Planet Southcentre, Braingames City “This is Commander Kaisarion speaking. I’ve currently set camp on this old Imperium planet, looking for survivors of the recent Astartes attack. How could they slaughter their own people like that… I’ve found none so far, yet knowing how the Imperium left me stranded all those years ago, there must be someone out there and if there are, I’ll find them. To my luck I did find someone, or rather something, as my search got interrupted by a Necron patrol. I’ve rewatched and analyzed the combat footage with the help of the suits AI, here is my situation report:
- Enemy – 15-20 man warrior squad, swarms of scarabs, an annihilation barge and a leader with the rank of “Overlord” marched around the city. They seemed sleepy and slow, perhaps just awakened, unsure of their purpose. My battlesuit AI gave the possible battle a 95% success rating, thus I engaged the enemy. Even with the Annihilation Barges impenetrable defenses, we managed to knock it out quickly, keeping it alive would have meant even larger casualties then we already endured. Subcommander Horizon managed to chip off pieces of the enemy’s ranks with his dual rail rifle, yet it seemed that the Necrons resilience is only matched by the Rotting God, as the warriors kept coming back up. Eventually, with the help of 2 APE’s (Automated Protective Entity) we managed to destroy them, though I fear that more shall awaken. Allies – 10 man squad of the local Kroot, 2 APE’s (AI controlled V8 Crisis Bodyguard Battlesuits), 2 drones, Subcommander Horizon in V88 Broadside Battlesuit, me in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit. After the mission I think it’s finally time to call operation “AI controlled Battlesuits“ a success, these APE’s performed very well and their firepower management and output is only matched by the higher ranking commanders in the Enclaves. Mass producing them would save countless human and Tau lives. Here are some pictures of them in action.

- Combat Support – We’ve lost both the drones and 1 APE. Some Kroot are also dead, others wounded, we’ve got the current situation under control. At the first possible moment send an Evacuation Team to Extract point B to evacuate the dead, wounded and any other civilians we have found/will find. If possible, provide me with a new APE or 2, and maybe something stealthy but deadly. I’m proposing an XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit. I heard there is a great human pilot in training for it and I would be happy to take him under my wing. Further Action – I’m going to continue scouting out this hostile planet. I’m certain there is still someone out here that needs our help. Once I’ve gathered reinforcements, I’ll solve any ongoing problems on my own, worst case scenario, I’ll retreat back to the Manta. Commander Kaisarion out. Glory to the Enclaves.” +++ End of Message +++