Omnomegon VS Kituu
in the land of tears
of gates to the sea of souls
fate governs us all
- ramblings of an Eldar Farseer, 9.037.M33
Farseer Nou’hm-Noh’ra and her crew had been wandering the galaxy for centuries, guided by a single strand of prophecy.
She had heard it in the Dome of the Crystal Seers of her home Craftworld, as if handed down to her by one of them.
They landed on a planet in the Nephilim sector, on a planet known throughout the millennia by a thousand different names.
Their Warlocks had detected a great psychoreactive hum on the surface and the council decided the matter was to be investigated.
Confident in their ability to detect any possible threats via their psychic powers they treaded valiantly towards their goal.
However, this valor would pay them dearly, as they suddenly discovered they were under fire by the forces of the Silent King.
Most managed to take cover, but almost an entire unit of Hawks fell under the fire of the Annihilator Barge – only their Exarch survived.
The same fate would have fallen upon the Avengers, but the Farseer barely managed to warn them in time and only one of them fell.
The situation seemed dire, but then the skeins of Fate revealed themself to Nou’hm-Noh’ra – this was the place she had been searching for most of her life with burning perseverance.
Without hesitation she ordered the D-Cannon to open fire on one of the Annihilator Barges.
The crew tried to protest, saying they had no clear line of fire, but upon the Farseer’s insistence that Fate will guide them, they opened fire.
The shot sailed straight through the air, landing squarely on the Barge.
A hole in the Warp opened and one of the Annihilator Barges disappeared as if it had never existed.
With a mighty hail of fire from the Avengers, guided by the Runes of Fortune the second Barge also fell.
A fierce battle followed.
All of the Banshees were torn to shreds via gauss fire and all but the Exarch of the Avengers found their end.
Unfortunately for the Necron, Fate had already decided what would expire by the day’s end and through the efforts of the Guardian Defenders and the legendary Baharroth the Immortals and Warriors were forced back.
After collecting the soulstones of the fallen, the search for the psychoreactive hum began.
Inside the rubble a hidden altar to Isha was found.
The survivors decided to offer prayer and sacrifice to the Goddess.
However, the psychic emanations from the rituals seemed to react with the active hum.
There was a great rumbling and the earth shook like Doomsday and they prepared for the worst.
Suddenly, the ground opened before them, transforming into a staircase.
Nou’hm-Noh’ra and the Warlocks tentatively descended to investigate.
Upon descending, the final piece of the puzzle was revealed – they had discovered a hidden cache of soulstones, fulfilling the prophecy uttered ages ago.
With great reverence the stones were transported onto their spaceships and a course was set to their home Craftworld.